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Networking & Events

Senior management invited to attend regular BCCU events, including networking events,...

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Advocacy by the BCCU on key issues and barriers to doing...

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Updates from the Chamber, British High Commission and affiliated organisations

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Marketing & Branding

Marketing & Branding

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Who Are We?

Welcome to the British Chamber of Commerce in Uganda.
British Chambers of Commerce exist all over the globe and when implemented successfully, BCCs are effective tools to lobby for the interests of the UK business community. The primary objective of the BCCU is to improve the business environment for our members through networking, partnerships, advocacy, marketing and ad-hoc activities. The UK business community is one of the most powerful groups in Uganda, and using our collective bargaining power, we will play a positive role in building prosperity for all.

Message from the British High Commissioner to Uganda

“The British High Commission and the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office are very proud to support the British Chamber of Commerce Uganda. The Chamber of Commerce will be an exciting opportunity to build trade and investment links between the UK and Uganda”


- H.E. Kate Airey OBE


British Chamber of Commerce Partners

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